Jesse James Meets Frankenstein’s Daughter (1966) Review
“Roaring guns against raging monster!”Synopsis: The Old West! It was back when times were tough, the land was harsh, vigilantes were unforgiving and outlaws… were apparently pretty nice guys! |
Calamity Brains:
Jesse James Meets Frankenstein’s Daughter is… what you’d expect. It’s a not-completely-thought-out mashup of two stories and their respective genres: infamous outlaw Jesse James matching wits with a stereotypical mad scientist trying go pursue her father’s work. But for all the inherent silliness of the mashup subgenre, there’s still a quaint charm in many of its examples, and Jesse James Meets Frankenstein’s Daughter is a good example of that charm.
Among the elements that endeared this flick to me are: 1) a female mad scientist with Princess Leia hair (Narda Onyx); 2) the not-so-subtle Burt Reynolds knockoff performance from John Lupton as Jesse James; and 3) a normalization of Spanish language use among the supporting cast. While the plot is thin and stereotypical, there are some attempts at double-crossing and plot twists. This movie will most be appreciated by B-movie lovers who are into men, though – while neither Evil Princess Leia nor the soap opera-acting ingenue Juanita (Estelita Rodriguez) are unattractive, the show is 100% stolen by THE HOTTEST IGOR EVER CONCEIVED (Cal Bolder).
With friends and an open mind, this silly movie can be fun. Is Jesse James Meets Frankenstein’s Daughter great cinema? No, but if what you want is mindless entertainment, it doesn’t have to be.
Calamity Brains’ Rating: C+