Razortooth (2007) Review: Campy Fun in the Swamp
Codex Mortis
November 8, 2017
“Death From Below…”Synopsis: When a small town is terrorized by escaped convicts and mutant eels, it’s up to the sheriff to control the situation. | 
Watch now on Amazon |
Full Review Coming Soon!
In the meantime, here’s a quick Codex Mortis breakdown of what to expect:
Category | Rating (out of 10) |
Quality | 3 |
Originality | 0 |
Acting | 2 |
Special Effects | 2 |
Gore | 5 |
Boobs | No |
| |
Grade | B |
Razortooth is surprisingly enjoyable, considering the poor quality. Of course, it falls into the campy, so-bad-it’s-good category – but with some friends and alcohol, who’s complaining?
Tags: Adam McCroryAmanda SicklerBrandon BreaultDouglas SwanderIan PliskeJack MonroeJoseph P. GenierJosh GadJoshua RubinKate GerstenKathleen LaGueMatt HollyMax RhyserPatricia HarringtonSimon PageTim Colceri
Codex Mortis
The Codex Mortis Horror Hosts (Ludwig von Stroodle and Calamity Brains) are married and live in West Virginia. Pretty much everyone who sees their cabin agrees that it would be an ideal setting for a horror movie. Their pets include a black widow spider, a smart dog, and a stupid dog. When they aren’t watching horror movies, they can be found at whiskey festivals, Renaissance fairs, and board game nights.