ThanksKilling (2009) Review: Fowl-Mouthed Fun
“Gobble, Gobble, Motherfucker!”Synopsis: A homicidal turkey axes off college kids during Thanksgiving break. | Watch now on Amazon |
Calamity Brains:
ThanksKilling is a deliberately low-budget campfest. I will be up front here: the plot is wafer thin, the mic’ing and acting are porn-level bad, and the special effects are nothing spectacular. But unlike most movies, ThanksKilling manages to rise above the terrible production quality to deliver something truly special.
(“Special” is definitely the right word.)
Nothing in the movie can be taken seriously, and nothing is meant to be. The creators took the ridiculous premise of a necromantically-charged killer turkey and ran with it. The [talking, filthy] turkey is mostly played by a hand puppet, and is by far the best thing in the movie. You will definitely be cringing at ThanksKilling’s acting and production value, but if campy is your thing, you’ll end up laughing with the movie even more than you laugh at it. At one point, the turkey impersonates one of its victims, Hannibal Lecter-style, and nobody notices it’s actually a turkey. This movie is a tribute to the utter ridiculousness of the human race.
Know what you’re getting yourself in for: this movie is emphatically not for everyone. It’s crude, gross, cringey, and terribly done. But if you like dumb, campy spoofs… you’ll probably end up loving it.
(We also made a drinking game to go with it. Because you’ll definitely want to be drinking.)
Calamity Brains’ Rating: B
Watch now on Amazon