Category: Lists

Father’s Day Horror Movies

Father’s Day Horror Movies

Whether you have daddy issues or you’re daddy’s little girl, I think we can all agree that nothing beats kicking back with your old man and watching a horror movie. Just lean back, slip a hand in your waistband, and relax.

Memorial Day Horror Movies

Memorial Day Horror Movies

Memorial Day is meant to honor soldiers who gave their lives for our country. And the weekend is usually spent outside as the kickoff weekend of summer. But, should you feel the urge to stay in and watch a flick or two, here’s horror movies featuring fallen warriors or the holiday weekend.

Mother’s Day Horror Movies

Mother’s Day Horror Movies

This Mother’s Day, take a moment to thank your mom for not being some of these mothers… or being as awesome as the others. Mother’s Day Horror Movies All Through the House (2015) Carrie...

Easter Horror Movies

Easter Horror Movies

HIDE YER EGGS – it’s time for Easter horror! These movies all star either Easter celebrations, the resurrection, or rabbits/guys in rabbit suits. Get ready for some horror and gore, and remember: Easter is a holiday with its roots in murder, so you’re really just being traditional, here.

St. Patrick’s Day Horror Movies

St. Patrick’s Day Horror Movies

Erin go Bragh! In honor of St. Patrick’s Day and Ireland, here are horror movies that are just a little bit green. All movies on the list either take place on St. Patrick’s Day, feature leprechauns, or are set in Ireland… making them perfect for a gory March afternoon.

Halloween Horror Movies

Halloween Horror Movies

This October 31st, consider a Halloween-themed horror flick to put you in the right frame of mind for All Hallow’s Eve. Read on for the full horror story.

Video Nasty: The Infamous 72

Video Nasty: The Infamous 72

“Video nasty” refers to a list of 72 movies famously criticized for their content and often censored. These are the infamous movies, ready for your perusal.