Redneck Zombies (1989) Review: Don’t Watch This Movie
“They’re Tobacco Chewin’, Gut Chompin’, Cannibal Kinfolk from Hell!”Synopsis: A barrel of radioactive waste is lost out in the woods. Some demented rednecks find it and use it as part of their still. Everybody who drinks from the liquor they produced turns into a zombie. | Don’t watch now on Amazon |
Calamity Brains:
Guys, Redneck Zombies was terrible. We watch an inordinate amount of bad movies, and my tolerance level for campy B-horror is pretty high – and we couldn’t finish this movie.
Let me be clear here, just so there’s no confusion. When we tried to watch Redneck Zombies, we were:
- in a crappy hotel with nothing else to do
- exhausted from a painfully long day
- drinking heavily
In other words, we would have been willing to watch just about fucking anything at that point. And we still turned it off not even halfway through.
There are no redeeming features to this movie. Quality and acting is reminiscent of a cheap ‘70s porno. The stereotyping makes regular hixploitation movies look like sensitivity training. The effects and costuming are painfully bad. The jokes (if you can call them that) are cringe-worthy, not funny. No one is attractive, there’s no nudity. We couldn’t even find anything to laugh at. It was just bad.
I can’t overstate this enough: don’t watch Redneck Zombies.
Calamity Brains’ Rating: F
Don’t watch now on Amazon